GENERATION #4: Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire
Joseph Owsley (Housley, Ousley) born ABT 1790, Tennessee, married ABT 1812, in Tennessee, Phoebe Longmire, born ABT 1797, North Carolina, (daughter of John Longmire and Nancy Marshall) died AFT 1880, Campbell County, Tennessee. Joseph died BET 1870-1880, Campbell or Union County, Tennessee.
Joseph Owsley (born 1790 in Tennessee) was listed as a son of John Owsley and Charity Barton in the book, The Owsley Family in England and America, written by Harry Bryan Owsley in 1890. It seems Harry received his information from children and grandchildren of Joseph Owsley who would have had knowledge of Joseph's parentage. It now appears likely that Joseph was the son of John Owsley, but not by Charity Barton. Joseph's mother (name unknown) is believed to have lived in Grainger County, Tennessee.
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Family members relate that Joseph was disowned by his parents, due to his marriage to a part Indian, Phoebe Longmire. Phoebe Owsley Alsup (1862-1942), granddaughter of Joseph and Phoebe, informed her descendants that her grandmother, Phoebe, was a Cherokee Indian and that Joseph was disowned by his parents due to his marriage to Phoebe. James Ousley, son of Joseph, lived some with his granddaughter, Annie Berry, before his death in 1919. James often talked about his mother, Phoebe, saying she was an Indian.
Nancy Rebecca Owsley Morris (1871-1929) related the following remarks to her descendants concerning her grandfather, Robert Owsley (son of John Owsley and Charity Barton). "Robert and one of his brothers had their names removed from the family Bible. His brother (she did not know a name) married a half breed Indian and was disowned. The Owsleys were hard-shell or primitive Baptists and did not believe in dancing. Robert went to a neighbor's house on business at a time when a dance was in progress. His parents found out about it and removed his name from the Bible." It would seem Nancy Morris was referring to Joseph Owsley as the brother of her grandfather, Robert Owsley.
Joseph (Ousley) was listed as head of household (living alone) in the 1810 census of Grainger County, Tennessee. Joseph was living in the Indian Ridge area on the north side of the Holston River. Close neighbors of Joseph were the Gilmore and Smith families. Samuel Gilmore was married to Ann Housley on September 18, 1809 in Grainger County, Tennessee. Joseph Smith was married to Elizabeth Housley on August 31, 1811. Samuel Gilmore was the Bondsman at the marriage of John Ousley (son of Joseph and Phoebe) in 1832 in Grainger County, Tennessee. It is clear Joseph was related to Elizabeth Housley Smith and Ann Housley Gilmore.
(NOTE: The Gilmore family moved from Grainger County, Tennessee to Gasconade County, Missouri in the late 1830's, where thay lived near the Branson family. Robert Housley Gilmore, son of Samuel Gilmore and Ann Housley, married Rhoda Branson in 1841 in Gasconade County, Missouri. Rhoda Branson was the sister of John Sevier Branson who married Martha Jane Ousley, daughter of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire, in about 1846 in Missouri.)
(NOTE: The family of Joseph Smith and Elizabeth Housley moved from Grainger County, Tennessee to Campbell County, Tennessee by 1840. They settled in the Sugar Hollow/Cedar Creek area of Campbell County and were close neighbors of Joseph and Phoebe.) It appears Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire's marriage took place in about 1812 in Campbell County, Tennessee. Joseph and Phoebe settled in the Sugar Hollow/Cedar Creek area of Campbell County. On September 22, 1813, Joseph Housley, a citizen of Campbell County, signed a petition to move the county seat (Petition 19-3-1813 to the General Assembly of Tennessee). Joseph first appeared on the Campbell County tax list in 1823. In the 1850's, Joseph and Phoebe moved to the Raccoon Valley area of Union County, Tennessee. The family of James Lewis Johnson and Caroline Housley, daughter of Joseph and Phoebe, also moved to Union County, Tennessee.
(NOTE: Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire lived in Grainger County, Tennessee for a short period of time in 1816. Joseph Ousley, John Longmire and Richard Oaks, were listed as taxpayers in Captain Alexander Hamilton's Company in Grainger County, Tennessee in 1816. John Longmire is believed to have been the father of Phoebe Longmire. Richard Oaks married Anny Longmire in January of 1817 in Grainger County, Tennessee. Anny Longmire is believed to have been Phoebe's sister.)
Joseph (Housley) was listed as living in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1830,1840 and 1850. In 1860 and 1870, he was listed as living in Union County, Tennessee. After Joseph's death, Phoebe was listed as living with her son, John, in the 1880 census of Campbell County. Joseph's name was always spelled Ousley in Grainger County and Union County. His name was always spelled Housley in Campbell County. All of Joseph's descendants spelled their name Ousley except those that stayed in Campbell County.
Joseph's occupation was a cooper, a trade he must have learned from his father, John, who was also a cooper.
It is believed Joseph was a member of the Powell River Baptist Church, which was located beside the Cedar Creek Bridge Cemetery. Joseph's name can be found in the minutes of the Powell River Baptist Church in December of 1852.
Joseph and Phoebe were buried in the Cedar Creek Bridge Cemetery, but their graves were later moved to the Baker's Forge Memorial Cemetery when the TVA built Norris dam. The TVA placed markers at the graves of Joseph and Phoebe with incorrect dates on them. A new monument for Joseph and Phoebe was placed in the Baker's Forge Memorial Cemetery on August 8, 2000, by the Owsley Family Historical Society.
I. John Housley born ABT 1814, Campbell County, Tennessee, married (1) 12-Aug-1832, in Grainger County, Tennessee, Caroline Hinshaw, born 5-Oct-1816, Tennessee, (daughter of George Hinshaw and Anna Golden) died 4-May-1858, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried: Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery, Campbell County, Tennessee, married (2)26-Oct-1858, in Grainger County, Tennessee, Nancy J. Riggs, born 18-Jan-1830, Tennessee, (daughter of Thomas Riggs and Millie Cabbage) died 18-Apr-1910, Campbell County, Tennessee, and Rebecca Chapman, born ABT 1830, Tennessee, died AFT 1880, and Caroline Woods, born ABT 1825, South Carolina, died AFT 1860. John died 29-Nov-1895, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried: Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery, Campbell County, Tennessee.
John Housley was the oldest son of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire. John was apparently visiting his relatives (Samuel Gilmore and Ann Housley) in Grainger County, Tennessee, when he met and married Caroline Hinshaw in 1832. Samuel Gilmore was the Bondman at the marriage of John Ousley (Housley) and Caroline Hinshaw. The Hinshaw and Gilmore families were long-time neighbors in Grainger County. It appears John and Caroline were living in Grainger County in 1834 and 1835. John Housley was listed as paying taxes in Grainger County in 1834. John Housley purchased items at the estate sale of John Simmons, deceased, in August of 1835 in Grainger County. On December 30, 1835, John Housley sold 65 1/4 acres of land in Grainger County, Tennessee, to Henry Collins for $150.00. The land was located at the top of Indian Ridge on the north side of the Holston River. By 1840, John and Caroline had moved to Campbell County, Tennessee, where John had lived prior to their marriage.
The following was documented in the court records of Campbell County, Tennessee: On October 2, 1840, John Longmire pledged to John Housley one gray mare and one cow, 5 head of hogs, 100 bushels corn, 1,000 bundles of fodder, 2 sheep and one feather bed, 4 coverlets and 1 blanket, 1 bedspead, 1 table and dresser to secure payment of several debts that said John Housley is bound for as said Longmire's security for the amount of $24.50- to Daniel Richardson for $10.50 and one to Aaron Malicoate for $14.00 if said Longmire pays the aforesaid debts that the said Housley is securing against the first day of October 1841, then this obligation to be void- otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed October 2,1840- John "L." Longmire. (NOTE: It appears John Longmire and his grandson, John Housley, were involved in some sort of financial agreement.)
It has been related from family members that John fathered children with his first wife, Caroline Hinshaw, and also two other women, Rebecca Chapman and Caroline Woods. John was never married to Rebecca Chapman or Caroline Woods. Although John's second wife, Nancy Riggs Clark, had no children, it seems that she raised most of John's children. Nancy was first married to John Clark.
John Housley was a Justice of the Peace in Campbell County, Tennessee and performed numerous marriages.
Caroline Hinshaw Housley died in 1858 and was buried at the Cedar Creek Bridge Cemetery. Her grave was later moved to the Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery. In 1880, at the age of 83 years, Anna Golden Hinshaw died in Grainger County, Tennessee. In her will, Anna bequeathed to her son-in-law, John Housley, one dollar.
The death of John Housley was reported in the Deseret, Utah "News" of 23 May 1896, wherein, James A. Muir, of Caryville, Campbell County, Tennessee wrote in a letter of 27 April 1896, "John Housley of Powells river who has been a good friend to the Elders for many years, died on November 29th 1895, and Sister Nancy Housley his wife is very sick and nearly blind...". John was buried at the Bakers Forge Cemetery. His grave was later moved to the Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery.
II. William Ousley born 25-Mar-1815, Campbell County, Tennessee, married (1) ABT 1834, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Mary Jane Baker, born 1-May-1815, Tennessee, died 15-Jul-1872, Pulaski County, Missouri, buried: Big Piney River Cemetery, Pulaski County, Missouri, married (2) 2-Feb-1873, in Pulaski County, Missouri, Catherine Virginia Logan, born 12-Aug-1825, Amherst County, Virginia, (daughter of John Malone Logan and Sarah Elizabeth "Betsy" Logan) died 6-Oct-1899, Pulaski County, Missouri, buried: Rockwell Cemetery, Pulaski County, Missouri. William died 19-Mar-1890, Pulaski County, Missouri, buried: Big Piney River Cemetery, Pulaski County, Missouri.
Catherine was the widow of John York.
William fought for the Union in the Civil War. He served with the 28th Regiment Enrolled Missouri Militia. William Ousley moved to Osage County, Missouri around 1845, where he lived in Crawford Township in 1850. Between 1860/1870 he moved to Pulaski County, Missouri. William and his first wife, Mary, were buried at the Big Piney River Cemetery. The cemetery later flooded and their gravestones were moved to the Dry Creek Cemetery in Pulaski County, Missouri.
III. Jane (Jincy) Housley born 18-Oct-1816, probably Grainger County, Tennessee, married ABT 1836, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Abraham (Abe) Cox, born ABT 1820, Campbell County, Tennessee, (son of William Cox and Mary ________) died BET 1900-1910, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried: Rains Grove Cemetery, Campbell County, Tennessee. Jane died 17-Oct-1887, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried: Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery, Campbell County, Tennessee. Jane was buried at the Mt. Moriah Cemetery in Anderson County, Tennessee. Her grave was later moved to the Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery in Campbell County, Tennessee, when the TVA built the Norris Dam.
Abraham and Jane lived in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 according to census records. They lived in the Sugar Hollow area. Abraham was a member of the Powell River Baptist Church. It has been related by family members that Jane's name was actually "Genzeth." Her name was listed as Jane in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 census records. Her name was listed as Jincy in the 1880 census. The TVA cemetery relocation records have her name listed as Jinney Cox, born 1816, died 1887. The name Jincy is said to be a nickname for Jane. No records have been found with her name listed as Genzeth.
After Jane's death, Abraham Cox married (2) 27-May-1888, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Ellender Jane Rosier, widow of George M. Taylor Jr. Ellender was born ABT 1847 in Tennesseee, died AFT 1910.
IV. Robert Housley born 5-Nov-1818, Campbell County, Tennessee, married (1) ABT 1838, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Sarah Cooper, born 17-Mar-1821,Tennessee, (daughter of Peter Cooper and Clara Ridenour) died 27-Oct-1883, Campbell County, Tennessee, married (2) 14-Oct-1885, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Nancy Comer, born 1836, Campbell County, Tennessee, died 1901, Campbell County, Tennessee. Robert died 6-Jan-1886, Campbell County, Tennessee.
Robert Housley was the fourth child of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire. He was raised in Sugar Hollow in Campbell County, Tennessee. Robert was a prominent citizen in Campbell County, Tennessee. He was a Justice of the Peace and performed numerous marriages. Robert was also Tax Assessor in Campbell County in 1882. Robert and his wife, Sarah, were members of the Powell River Baptist Church from September 1856 until February 1871, when they left and help form the Sugar Hollow Baptist Church as charter members. Robert, Sarah and his second wife, Nancy, were buried at the Bakers Forge Cemetery. Their graves were later moved to the Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery in Campbell County, Tennessee. The Civil War greatly affected the lives of Robert and Sarah with sons and son-in-laws fighting for the Union. The war was the cause of death of two sons, John and Joseph. Sarah also had two brothers who died during the war at Andersonville, Georgia. Robert's second wife, Nancy Comer, was first married to David Wright.
V. Elizabeth Housley born 1822/24, Campbell County, Tennessee, married 24-Sep-1840, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Lewis Wilson, born 1823, Tennessee, (son of Nancy Wilson) died 1870, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried: Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery, Campbell County, Tennessee. Elizabeth died ABT 1869, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried: Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery, Campbell County, Tennessee.
Lewis and Elizabeth Wilson were living in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1850 and 1860 according to census records. They lived at Sugar Hollow where most of the Housley family lived. Lewis and Elizabeth were both buried in the Cedar Creek Bridge Cemetery in Campbell County, Tennessee, very near where Elizabeth's parents, Joseph and Phoebe were later buried. Their graves were later moved to the Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery when the TVA built the Norris Dam. The moves were authorized by their son, Milton (Mit) Wilson.
On August 27, 1857, Lewis Wilson sold 300 acres of land on the banks of the Powell River to his brother, Nelson Wilson, for the sum of $470.00. The land sold was noted as follows: (a certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the first district of said county and on the waters of Powell River the place where said Housley has lived for several years it being the place where I the said Lewis Wilson now lives). This same land was sold back to Lewis Wilson from Nelson Wilson on December 25, 1862.
On May 22, 1869, Lewis Wilson sold land to his son, Alfred Wilson, for the sum of $380.00. The land was noted as being on the north bank of the Powell River. Lewis Wilson died sometime between May 22, 1869 and April 7, 1870. Elizabeth also died before 1870. The inventory of the estate of Lewis Wilson was recorded in Campbell County on April 7, 1870. His three oldest sons were listed as purchasing property in the sale. Also listed was his brother-in-law, Abraham Cox.
According to the 1870 census of Campbell County, the younger children of Lewis and Elizabeth Wilson were living with their older adult children. Lucy and James were living with Alfred Wilson. Rufus was living with George Wilson. Martha and Milton were living with John Wilson. In 1880, Milton and Lucy were living with Alfred Wilson being listed as Alfred's brother and sister. Rufus was living with Abraham and Jincy Housley Cox being listed as their nephew.
VI. Pleasant Ousley born ABT 1827, Campbell County, Tennessee, married 10-Dec-1848, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Mary Dagley, born ABT 1833, Tennessee, (daughter of Joseph Dagley and Grace ________). Pleasant died Jan-1876, Pulaski County, Missouri.
Pleasant Ousley fought for the Union in the Civil War. He was a Private in Company C, 28th Regiment Enrolled Missouri Militia (USA). At the time of his enlistment, he was described as 5'10" with brown eyes and brown hair. Pleasant Ousley moved from Campbell County, Tennessee to Gasconade County, Missouri 1856/1859 and later to Pulaski County, Missouri. Pleasant's name was recorded in the minutes of the Powell River Baptist Church in Campbell County, Tennessee before his move to Missouri.
It is believed Pleasant was buried at the Big Piney River Cemetery in Pulaski County, Missouri.
VII. Martha Jane Ousley born 3-Jun-1828, Campbell County, Tennessee, married ABT 1846, in Missouri, John Sevier Branson Sr., born 17-Mar-1826, Tennessee, (son of Thomas Branson and Susanna Alma McGown) died 27-Nov-1906, Mariposa County, California, buried: Odd Fellows Cemetery, Hornitos, Mariposa County, California. Martha died 12-Jan-1908, Mariposa County, California, buried: Odd Fellows Cemetery, Hornitos, Mariposa County, California.
It appears as a teenager, Martha Jane Ousley moved from Tennesse to Missouri with her brother. William Ousley, and his family around 1845. Soon thereafter, Martha met and married John Sevier Branson. In 1849, John went to California in search of gold. He later sent for Martha and their children. Martha and her three young sons traveled to California by way of the Mississipi River, the Gulf of Mexico, across the Isthmus of Panama and up the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco.
VIII. Sarah (Sally) Housley born 18 Feb 1832, Campbell County, Tennessee, married 23-Dec-1849, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Pleasant M. Graves, born -Jun-1832, Tennessee, (son of David Graves and Mary "Polly" Hollaway) died 2-Nov-1914, Stroud, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, buried: Stroud Cemetery, Stroud, Lincoln County, Oklahoma. Sarah died 14-Mar-1914, Stroud, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, buried: Stroud Cemetery, Stroud, Lincoln County, Oklahoma.
Around 1858, Pleasant and Sarah moved from Tennessee to Mills County, Iowa. By 1867, they had moved to Nebraska. They lived in Salem in Richardson County, Nebraska in 1870 and 1880, according to census records. In 1900 and 1910, Pleasant and Sarah were living in Seward in Logan County, Oklahoma, near their daughter, Hattie May Graves Holden. Another daughter, Martha Alice Graves Stewart, lived nearby in Cashion, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma. In the 1900 census record of Logan County, Oklahoma, Sarah's birthdate is listed as FEBRUARY 1834. The 1860 census of Mills County, Iowa also has Sarah having been born in 1834. Her age was listed as 26 years old. The 1870 and 1880 censuses of Richardson County, Nebraska are different. Her age is listed as 38 years old in the 1870 census and 43 years old in the 1880 census. In the 1910 census of Logan County, Oklahoma, Sarah is listed as being 72 years old. In her obituary, Sarah's birthdate was noted as February 18, 1834. Sarah's sister, Caroline Housley Johnson, was born on JANUARY 30, 1834. I tend to believe that Sarah was a few years older than her sister, Caroline.
IX. Caroline Housley born 30-Jan-1834, Campbell County, Tennessee, married 18-Oct-1849, in Campbell County, Tennessee, James Lewis Johnson, born 08-Aug-1832, Tennessee, died 23-Mar-1889, Lawrence County, Missouri, buried: Spring River Cemetery, Lawrence County, Missouri. Caroline died 24-Aug-1884, Lawrence County, Missouri, buried: Spring River Cemetery, Lawrence County, Missouri.
Lewis and Caroline Housley Johnson lived in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1850, next door to Caroline's parents, Joseph and Phoebe. In 1860, they were living in the Raccoon Valley section of Union County, Tennessee, again next door to her parents, Joseph and Phoebe. Around 1867, Lewis and Caroline moved from Tennessee to Missouri. They were living in Phelps County, Missouri in 1870, according to census records. In 1880, Lewis and Caroline were living in Verona, Lawrence County, Missouri.
X. Crawford Ousley born 2-Nov-1836, Campbell County, Tennessee, married (1) 6-Sep-1855, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Melinda Lett, born 8-Dec-1835, Campbell County, Tennessee, (daughter of William Lett and Sarah Dagley) died 9-Jul-1857, Osage County, Missouri, married (2) 20-Sep-1857, in Osage County, Missouri, Malinda Cox, born 19-Apr-1839, Missouri, (daughter of William Cox and Precious Campbell) died 14-Sep-1909, Los Angeles, California, buried: Inglewood Cemetery, Los Angeles, California, married (3) 20-Oct-1868, in Maries County, Missouri, Catherine Cox, born 25-Sep-1849, Osage County, Missouri, (daughter of William Cox and Mary Rogers) died 8-Mar-1947, in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri, buried: Eastlawn Cemetery, Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. Crawford died 5-Dec-1908, Crocker, Pulaski County, Missouri.
Crawford fought for the Union in the Civil War. He served in Company C, 28th Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia. Crawford was married to Malinda Cox and her half sister, Catherine Cox, at the same time, and fathering children with both of them. In 1860, Crawford and his family lived in Gasconade County, Missouri. In 1870 and 1880, they were living in Pulaski County, Missouri. In 1900, Crawford was living in Phelps County, Missouri.
XI. James Ousley born 22-Apr-1838, Campbell County, Tennessee, married 19-Oct-1858, in Campbell County, Tennessee, Mary Newman, born 6-Nov-1836, Anderson County, Tennessee, died 15-Jan-1927, Dora, Douglas County, Missouri, buried: Denlow Cemetery, Douglas County, Missouri. James died 2-Nov-1919, Douglas County, Missouri, buried: Denlow Cemetery, Douglas County, Missouri.
James Ousley and his family moved from Tennessee to Missouri. In 1870, James and Mary lived in Pulaski County, Missouri. In 1880, they lived in Phelps County, Missouri. They moved south and were living in Douglas County, Missouri in 1900 and 1910.

1810 Grainger County, Tennessee Census
(Page 11)
Joseph Ousley
1 male age 16-25
1830 Campbell County, Tennessee Census
(Page 227)
Joseph Housley
1 male age 30-40, 2 males age 15-20, 1 male age 10-15, 1 male age 0-5
1 female age 30-40, 1 female age 10-15, 1 female age 5-10, 1 female age 0-5
1840 Campbell County, Tennessee Census
(Page 313)
Joseph Housley
1 male age 50-60, 1 male age 10-15, 2 males age 0-5
1 female age 40-50, 1 female age 15-20, 1 female age 0-15, 2 females age 5-10
1850 Campbell County, Tennessee Census
(Page 302B/303A, 17th Subdivision, Family 360/360) (September 24, 1850)
Joseph Housley - age 62 - born in Tennessee (Occupation: Farmer)
Pheby - age 53 - born in North Carolina
Crawford - age 12 - born in Tennessee
James - age 11 - born in Tennessee
1860 Union County, Tennessee Census
(Page 453, District #6, Raccoon Valley Post Office, Family 492/492) (July 5, 1860)
Joseph Ousley - age 69 - born in North Carolina (Occupation: Cooper)
Phebe - age 63 - born in North Carolina
1870 Union County, Tennessee Census
(Page 250, District #6, Maynardville, Tennessee Post Office, Family 67/67) (July 2, 1870)
Joseph Ousley - age 80 - born in Tennessee
Phoeba - age 78 - born in North Carolina
Houston Brock - age 14 - born in Tennessee (day laborer)
1880 Campbell County, Tennessee Census
(Page 435, District #8, Family 170/171) (June, 1880)
John Housley - age 65 - born in Tennessee, father born in TN, mother born in NC
Nancy (wife) - age 50 - born in Tennessee, father born in TN, mother born in TN
Febee (mother) - age 82 - born in North Carolina, father born in NC, mother born in NC
Milly Riggs (mother-in-law) - age 75 - born in Tennessee, father born in TN, mother born in TN

Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire Monument

Pheobe Longmire's Royal Ancestry

Death Certificate of James Ousley
(Son of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire)

Martha Ousley Branson
daughter of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire

John Sevier Branson
husband of Martha Jane Ousley

Crawford Ousley
son of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire

Malinda Cox Ousley, 2nd wife of Crawford Ousley

Crawford Ousley
son of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire

Crawford Ousley, with his third wife, Catherine Cox, and their children:
Thomas Jefferson Ousley, Hattie Edith Ousley, Henry Franklin 'Frank" Ousley,
Charles Bland Ousley, and Ida Ethel Ousley

James Lewis Johnson and his wife, Caroline Housley, on their wedding day.
Caroline was the daughter of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire.

Mary Newman and her husband, James Ousley,
son of Joseph Owsley and Phoebe Longmire

James Ousley and Mary Newman with their children:
(left to right): Phoebe, Crawford, and Elizabeth

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GENERATION #5: Robert Housley and Sarah Cooper