GENERATION C: John Owsley and Edith Edwards
John Owsley of Trull born AFT 1580, England, married 1624/25, in England, Edith Edwards, died 1663. John died 1650/51, Trull, Taunton, Somerset County, England.
John Owsley was a resident of the parish of Trull (Taunton, Somerset County, England).
John Owsley's will dated November 30, 1650 and proved January 26, 1651.
THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN OWSLEY, OF TRULL, SOMERSETSHIRE - DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1650: In the name of God Amen The thirtieth daie of November in the years of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred and Fiftie, I John Owesly in the Parishe of Trull in the countie of Somersett, yeoman, being sicke of bodie but of good and perfect remembrance doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeinge, hereby revoakeing all other my former wills and testaments whatsoever. First I commend my soule into the handes of Allmightie God...And my bodie to be buried. Touchinge my worldlie goods, my will is as followeth. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parishe of Trull aforesaid twentie shillings to be unto them where most neede is by my freindes Richard Skinner and William Thomas, my Sonne in lawe, within fowre weekes after my deccease. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of Barrington twentie shillings to be distributed unto them where most needs is, by my freindes John Budd and John Rogzes within fower weekes after my decease. Item I give unto the poore Of the parishe of Shepton Beaultham twentie shillings to be distributed unto them where most neede is by Robert Owesly & John Kemellen within fower weekes after my decease. Item I give unto my three Apprentices John Herringe, Florance Hitckwocke and Joane Hitchcocke, to each of them fortie shillings upon Condition that they serve out their severall and respective tearmes mentioned in their severall and respective Indentures, with my executor hereafter mencioned. Item my will is that my daughter Edeth Thomas shall after my decease peaceablie and quietlie hold and enjoye dureinge the term of her naturall life all that lease of ground of mine called Billmoore containing aboute tenn acres lieing within the parrishe of Barrington in the countie of Summersett. And after my daughter Edeth her decease I give and bequeath the aforesaid lease at ground called Billmore...unto my Sonne John Owesly with all my right, title and interest, tearme of years, clayme and demaunds whatsoever of, in and to the same. item I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne John Owesly on Bills, bonds, and other specialties wherein and whereby William Hodges and Walter Hodges standeth bound to paie me threescore poundes principall money or thereabouts and one other bill, bond, or other specialtie wherein and whereby Jervice Caine of Huntspill and William Hodges and Walter Hodges of Ashhill standeth bound to paie me fiftie poundes Principall money or hereabouts. And other Bill, bond, or other specialtie wherein & whereby Nicholas Chicke of Bridgewater, John Chicke of Ilton, and Robert Cheeke of the same standeth bound to paie me fiftie Poundes Principall money or thereabouts. And three other bill, bond or other specialtie wherein and whereby Christopher Wilkins of Pitminster standeth bound to paie me Fiftie pounded principall money or thereabout. And one other bill, bond or other specialtie wherein John Calway of Pitminster standeth bound to paie me twentie poundes principals money or thereabout. And other bill, bond or other specialtie wherein and whereby Thomas Coomb of Pltminster standeth bound to paie me ten poundes principals money or thereabout. All which said eight bills, bonds or specialties with the severall summe and summes of money thereupon due at the time of my decease I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne John Owesley. Item I give unto my daughter Edeth Thomas her two daughters Maude and Elizabeth tenn poundes apeece to be paid unto them by my executor when they shall attaine the full age of one and twentie yeares. And if it so happen that either of them shall happen to die before she attaine the full yeares before mentioned then the said tenn poundes shal be and remaine unto shee which shall accomplishe the full age before mentioned. And if both shal happen to die before they accomplishe the aforesaid age then the said moneyes shall remaine unto my Executor hereafter mentioned. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Edeth Thomas twentie shillings to be paid her by mine execeutor or executrix in trust within one moneth after my decease. Item I give unto my nowe wife Edeth my best bedd and bedsteede with all that thereunto or it belongeth. Item all the rest of my goodes and chattles whatsoever not before given nore bequeathed I give and bequeath unto William Owesly my Sonne whome I doe make my heire and executor. And lastlie my will is that Edeth my now wife shall have free libertie to use anye parte of my goodes within doore or without dureinge her widdowhood, or untill my said Executor William Owesly shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares leaveinge it within tenn or twenty poundes as shee findes itt, and that then my wife shall have two of the best roomes in my house and two hundred of wood faggottes yearlie brought into my yarde for her use by my said Executor William Owesly. And I shall desire Hugh Welsh and Thomas Deane of the parishe of Choad my brother in lawes to be my overseers to doe their best indeavours to see this my will performed accordinge to the true intent and meaneinge hereof, giveinge unto each of them for their paines keinge in this behalfe sixe shillings and eight pence. In wittnes whereof I have to this my last will and testament contained in two sheetes of paper sett my hand and Seale videlicet my Seale over at the head, and my hand att the foote of each sheete, in the Presence of these witnesses whose names are here underwritten, John Owesly. Theis being witnesses: Thomas Paul, Elizabeth Tucker. [Filed by Edith Owesley 26 Jan 1651 and appointed to administe upon her husband's estate during the minority of her son William Owsley the appointed executor]
I. Edith Owsley born ABT 1626, married William Thomas.
II. Mary Owsley born ABT 1629, died -Nov-1629, Shepton Beauchamp, Somerset County, England.
III. John Owsley born 1630, Somerset County, England, baptised 12-Dec-1630, Shepton Beauchamp, Somerset County, England, married ABT 1650, in England, Dorothea Poyntz, born 1632, England, (daughter of Newdigate Poyntz and Sarah Foxley) died 2-Aug-1705, Glooston, Leicestershire County, England, buried: Glooston, Leicestershire County, England. John died 25-Dec-1687, Glooston, Leicestershire County, England, buried: Glooston, Leicestershire County, England.
John Owsley first served a Clerk of the Whittlebury Church at Northamptonshire. He was appointed rector of the Stoke-Coursey parish at Somersetshire in 1652 during Cromwell's reign under the Commonwealth serving until 1660. After the Restoration, John was appointed Rector of the Glooston Church in Leicestershire where he served for the remainder of his life. He and his wife are buried at the Glooston Church.
Inside the Glooston Church, tombstones can be found that read as follows: "Here lieth the body of John Owsley who was Rector of this parish for 28 years. He departed this life December 25th, 1687." "Here lieth the bodies of John and Dorothea Owsley, who had twelve children, the latter buried August 2nd, 1705." In the porch wall is found the following inscription: "All you that here pass by, As you are now, so once was I; But as I am, so must you be, Therefore prepare to follow me."
Dorothea's father, Newdigate Poyntz, was slain in the service of the King at Gainsborough on August 5, 1643 while fighting for the Royal cause against Cromwell's forces.
IV. William Owsley born ABT 1635, married 8-Jan-1661, in Bradford, Somersetshire (Somerset County), England, Sarah West. William's son, William Owsley, married his first cousin, Edith Owsley.
V. Robert Owsley born ABT 1641, died 1650.

Pictures by Milancie Adams and Al Tietjen -
Owsley Family Historical Society (OFHS) English Heritage Tour

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GENERATION D: John Owsley and Dorothea Poyntz