GENERATION B: William Owsley and Mary
William Owsley of Axminster born 1555/60, England, married Mary ________. William died 1593, Axminster, Devon County, England.
The will of William Owsley was proved November 5, 1593. William named his brother-in-law, Robert Cheeke, in his will. Mary's maiden name may have been Cheeke. Also, William and Mary named their first son, Robert, who may have been named after Robert Cheeke. William Owsley was a farmer and lived in Axminster in Devon County. Axminster was just across the border from Somerset County where other members of the Owsley family lived.
The Will of William Owsley of Axminster: In the name of God amen. The thirde Daye of September Anno Domini one thowsand Five hundreth ninety three...I William Owsley of Axminster in the county of Devon, Husbandman, being sicke of bodye yet...of perfects memory, Doe make this my Last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I committ my Sowle into the handes of Almighty God, and my Bodye to be buryed in Christian Buriall. Item I give to the poore of Axminster three shillinges foure pence to be devided amongest them presently after my Buriall. Item I give to Marye Owsley, my wyfe, all the Frutes, proffittes and Commodities of my Messauge or Tenement in Weeke within the parresthe of Axminster...with all his appurtenaunces during her naturall lyfe, yf she so Longe dothe remaine a widowe and unmaryed. But if she dothe marrye, my will is that then presently all the frutes, proffittes and Commodiityes of the said tenement shalbe taken upp and receyved by William Owsley, my Brother and Robert Cheeke, my brother in Lawe, to be equally Devided amingest my foure yonger Children, untill that Robert Owsley, my eldest sonne, shalbe fully twenty five yeares olde. And when Robert, my Sonne, shalbe fully twenty Five yeares in age, I give unto him all my estate, title and interest and terme of yeares that shalbe then to come in my saide Tenement at Weeke...together with the Demise, Lease and graunte thereof unto me made to dispose therof as he shall thincke good. But if Robert my sonne Doe happen to dye before that he shalbe fully twenty Five yeares olde, Then my will is that the frutes, proffittes and Commodityes of my Tenement aforesaide shalbe taken upp by William Owsley and Robert Cheeke, aforesaid, to the use and benefite of my three Daughters to be equally Devided amongest them untill that John Owsley, my youngest sonne, shalbe fully five and tewnty yeares olde. And if my sonne John dothe live so Longe, I doe give the said Tenement...unto him to enjoye it in as ample manner as my Sonne Robert shoulde have holden abd had it. But if my sonne John dothe Dye before that he dothe fully accomplishe five and twenty yeares in age. Then I give all mine estate, title and interest and terme of yeares that shalbe then to come in my Tenement at Weeke...Joinctly to my three Daughters Emme, Elizabeth, and Joane, and all the whole thereof to the Longest liver of them. Item I give to Robert Owsley my sonne six poundes thirtene shillinges foure pence. Item I give to John Owsley my Sonne six poundes thirtene shillinges foure pence. Item I give to the saide John my bedstedd with a table borde and twoe framed formes in the Parlour. Item I give to Emme Owsley my Daughter six poundes thirtene shillinges foure pence. Item I give to Elizabeth Owsley, my Daughter six poundes thirtene shilinges foure pence. Item I give to Joane Owsley, my Daughter six poundes thirtene shillinges foure pence. Furhter my will is that none of the Legaceis aforesaide shalbe paide to amy of my Children aforesiade untill that he or she shalbe fully twenty Five yeares old. And in the meane while the same Legaceis shall remaine in mine Executrix handes yf she so Longe remine unmaryed and my widowe. But if she happen to marry againe Then they shall presently be Delivered to William Owsley and Robert Cheeke aforesaide to be paide to my Children when they shalbe twenty five yeares olde. And if any or more of my Children Doe happen to Dye before his or theire Legaceis shalbe Due Then his or theire porcions shalbe equally Devided amongest the surviver or survivers of them. The Residue of all my goodes and Chattelles not before given and bequeathed, my debtes and Legaceis being paide, I give wholly to Marye Owsley, my wyfe, whome I Doe make mine Executrix of this my Last will and testament.
Wittnesses hereof are William Owsley, Robert Cheeke and Elizabeth Pharoe.
Proved 5 Nov. A.D. 1593, by oath of master Thomas Iles, notary public, proxy of Mary Owsley.
I. Robert Owsley born 1580, England, married 21-Apr-1607, in Shepton Beauchamp, Susanna Seager. Robert died 1659.
II. John Owsley of Trull born AFT 1580, England, married 1624/25, in England, Edith Edwards, died 1663. John died 1650/51, Trull, Taunton, Somerset County, England. John Owsley was a resident of the parish of Trull (Taunton, Somerset County, England). John Owsley's will dated November 30, 1650 and proved January 26, 1651.
III. Emme Owsley born 1-Nov-1585, England.
IV. Elizabeth Owsley born 28-Jan-1587/8, England.
V. Joane Owsley.

Pictures by Milancie Adams and Al Tietjen -
Owsley Family Historical Society (OFHS) English Heritage Tour

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GENERATION C: John Owsley and Edith Edwards